Dec 16, 2022

December 2022 Developer Update

2 min read - Published: 2 years ago

It's the closing days of 2022, but we weren't done with the year yet. We have some final news, and exciting updates to share.

If you'd like to watch the VOD of the livestream, you can catch it here:

Otherwise, read on!

Year-End Round Up

We discussed all of what we had gotten done this year. We wanted to take a focus on polishing our existing feature set this year- especially given the rapid expansion of our service last year. That said, we still found time to release plenty of new features. From 2FA to Save Points, from the compendium library to party chat, we've released a lot! For a detailed year-end round up, we encourage watching the livestream.

Beyond Import Update

We've released a massive update to our Beyond Importer this month. Imports are now updated for version 10, and happen within seconds rather than minutes. Monsters will now properly import, even if they're from a source outside of that adventure. Tokens now get placed in the scene automatically, and are properly tokenized automatically. Journal notes even get placed, ensuring an easier experience for the DM! And most importantly, we are now crediting the people who contributed to Mr. Primate's Beyond metadata project within our importing. Make sure to check out those README files to know who to thank!

Want to try it out? We offer free imports for LMoP, which you can obtain for free on D&D Beyond. Please make sure to pass on any, and all feedback- we appreciate everything we get!

Save Points Update

We made a variety of improvements to our Save Points UI. We now show the Save Points quota for our users. We also allow users to sort and filter save points now, so they can find the right one for their world. We've also made sure that it functions a little more smoothly on mobile- as we know many users access our website via tablet. If you'd like the ability to access Save Points, make sure to upgrade to World Builder.


We've begun the process of internationalization on The Forge, and opening it up to the community. What does this mean? In a nutshell, we are now translating The Forge for other languages! It's a really cool way of making The Forge more accessible for everyone. Whether you're interested in helping us translate the website, or just curious about the process, we'd recommend checking out our blog post about it here:

Bazaar Showcase

We showcased the following modules from the Bazaar Marketplace:

And that's it...

We wish everyone a happy holidays, wherever you are. If you'd like to follow us for regular updates, here's our social media:
