Aug 23, 2023

August 2023 Developer Update

2 min read - Published: 2 years ago

Hello Forge users! We hope everyone has been having a wonderful summer. There's still a bit left if you haven't, so make sure to get on that!

If you'd like to watch back on the developer update livestream, you'll be able to catch it here.  Otherwise, read on.

Welcome to Denise

Denise, aka "Lokigiggles" is the latest addition to our team on The Forge. Denise is an experienced QA (Quality Assurance) lead and manager, with expertise in both corporate and startup environments. She will be helping us with our QA process, as well as performing manual QA work to help keep the user experience as smooth and as bug-free as possible.

V11 is nearly here

We have been working for months to get version 11 of Foundry VTT ready. There have been a number of factors holding us back, including:

  • The usual wait for module and system stability.
  • Waiting on approval for a fix to Game Manager, the development of which took longer than expected, and...
  • The usual ironing out of issues post-release on The Forge.

We'd like to thank Foundry VTT for working with us on this, thank our users for patiently waiting for its official recommendation, and thank our developers for all their work to make V11 stable.

Apart from some minor polish issues we are still addressing, V11 is mostly ready on The Forge and is probably safe to switch to now. We will officially recommend version 11 of Foundry VTT in the next few weeks.

Interview with Tom Cartos

The Forge recently did an interview with Tom Cartos, one of the most successful creators in the TTRPG space. If you've browsed through battlemap art online for long enough, you've probably seen his content.

If you're interested in reading about the fascinating story of a former architect turned battlemap creator, you can read the interview here.

Data Storage Update

If you've ever wanted better management over your data storage on The Forge... well, it's here!

We've relabelled the misleadingly named "Select Data Files to Delete" to "View Data Storage", and implemented both a better UI and various sorting functions. You'll now be able to find that pesky module taking up so much space, and have more granular control over your installed content in general. We hope our users will get as much utility out of this as we think they will.


We will be conducting yet another hiring phase for The Forge very soon, so keep an eye out in the coming months. We are looking to hire an artist who can create icon and banner art, as well as record and edit basic tutorial videos. This artist doesn't need to be an expert at either, as long as they're reasonably proficient at doing both. We encourage anyone who feels they'd qualify to apply when we make the posting.

Bazaar Showcase

We showcased the following packages during our Bazaar showcase:


And that's it! You can follow us below at the following social media links: